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Real Time Auto Leads, Insurance Leads and Pay Day Applications

Datamasters » Alternative Marketing » Real Time Auto Leads, Insurance Leads and Pay Day Applications

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Image of icons featuring the DataMasters logo. The image highlights that DataMasters now has available Trigger Leads and Real Time Leads for Auto Loan and New Car Shoppers, as well as Auto Health and Life Insurance Long Form Leads, ensuring it aligns with the context of the page.Datamasters now has available Trigger Leads and Real Time Leads for Auto Loan and New Car Shoppers, as well as Auto Health and Life Insurance Long Form Leads.

We currently generate auto leads daily in Real Time through our Ping/Post Platform. All leads are generated by one of the following methods: Email Campaigns, SEO and some Call Center Traffic generated Leads.

Auto loan Applications (US only long form)

  • 3500 – 7600 Auto Finance Leads on average every 24 Hours
  • 1500-2500 New Car leads on average every 24 Hours

Insurance (US only long form)

  • 7500-12000 Auto Insurance Leads on average every 24 Hours
  • 5000-11,000 Health Insurance Leads on average every 24 Hours
  • 3500- 8000 Life Insurance Leads on average every 24 Hours

Payday Applications

  • 9500-12,000 payday leads on average every 24 Hours

An infographic with the word DATA in a box in the center with six boxes surrounding, each with arrows pointing to the central data box. The outer six boxes read: Payday loans, Auto leads, Auto, Insurance, CommercialThese are all available either in Real time through a ping/post platform or for purchase as 24 hours old or older as data.

Pricing and Minimums: The Minimum Commitment is $350.00 and the cost per lead for all of the above categories starts at 25 cents per lead with Volume Discounts available.

We also have available legacy data in the above verticals for 9.5 cents per lead with a $350.00 minimum investment.

Looking forward to filling your data needs as your real time car insurance lead specialists.